Red-shouldered Hawk
Ten birders turned out for our first field trip of the year. With CDC-recommended precautions in place, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with fellow birders, and the birds did not disappoint. Birds were quite active in the pineland areas along the entrance road, vocalizing and feeding in the trees. Species observed included American Robin, Eastern Towhee, Downy Woodpecker and Pileated Woodpecker. Four species of warblers were present: Pine, Palm, Yellow-rumped, and Prairie.
The raptors were the surprise stars of the morning. We had good views of Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Harrier, Merlin, American Kestrel and Bald Eagle. It was approaching mid-day by the time we wrapped up the trip, and kettles of vultures and even Wood Stork were soaring overhead.
The manmade lakes in the back of the property support bird life including Anhinga, Double-crested Cormorant, Pied-billed Grebe, and multiple species of herons.
In total the group observed 45 species. A complete checklist with photos is available in eBird.
Photos by Steve Brookens. Trip report prepared by Doris Brookens.