To keep our waters clean and preserve our unique Florida Habitat in Indian River County, Pelican Island Audubon invites you to the 5th annual conference, Transforming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future..
Registration starts at 8 a.m.; speaker presentations a 9 a.m. Register $25 in advance ($35 at the door). Attendees will be served a box lunch. Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery and Nancy’s Nursery will have native plants for purchase and experts demonstrating how to plant them.
As you are aware, our Lagoon and waterways are in trouble from runoff from our lawns and roadways. The Pelican Island Audubon and its sponsors feel that we can greatly reduce this pollution by reducing grass lawns and planting native plants that do not require lots of fertilizer, herbicides, and precious water, but are still attractive to us and our birds, butterflies, fish and other animals, which are in decline. These plantings will save money by reducing precious drinking water use. A Central Florida study found that, on average, 64% of our precious drinking water is used by homes for irrigation. In the summer, this water use rises to 88%. In addition to reducing water use, replacing lawns with native plants will retain soil, preventing erosion into the Lagoon, and reduce fertilizers and herbicides going into what used to be our pristine waters.