Found or Injured Wildlife
However if you do see an animal that is visibly injured or struggling there are a number of agencies that can help.
Port St Lucie Animal Control (772) 871-5042
Creature Safe Place (772) 468-6616
Arnold’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (863) 763-4630
Treasure Coast Wildlife Center (772) 286-6200
Busch Wildlife (561) 575-3399
Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission Regional Office (561)625-5122
Unless an animal is physically injured or in immediate danger, you should leave it alone. Many animals will bite when handled or cornered. Chasing an animal in attempt to move or handle it will likely result in a stressed animal and injury to yourself or another.
Tortoises and turtles are commonly seen in St. Lucie County. If you spot one or any other wildlife, please do not approach it, but observe from a respectful distance. Chances are they are on their way to find food or back to shelter.
Often times the best thing you can do for a wild animal is nothing. Removing an animal from their natural environment can cause stress and disorientation, decreasing the animal's chance of survival. If it is crossing a road and it safe to do so, please release animal in the same direction it was traveling