Field Trip Report, November 10, 2018
When we first arrived, it was a little foggy so I was concerned we wouldn’t get to see too many species. But later it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. We had a group of 10 participants and we saw 36 species at Paleo Hammock. Tim brought us through the hammocks of Paleo Preserve sharing his knowledge about birds. He could identify the many bird species by their call. The trails had beautiful old oaks laden with Spanish moss. Around the oaks there were several song bird species and an abundance of Catbirds calling. Kathy spotted a Black and White Warbler, an added treat. We went to the marsh overlook for a full view of the marsh and then continued onto the marsh trail which has been recently opened. We saw a different habitat with thickets and open spaces along a water drainage area. The highlight was a Painted Bunting perched on a branch eating seeds.
Afterwards we traveled onto the C23-24 Reservoir, which brought us more surprises, a beautiful adult male Snail Kite flying overhead. There were 22 species including wading birds, ducks, grebes and a large alligator strolling along undisturbed, but far enough from us not to disturb us.
Thank you Tim for the phenomenal job you did guiding our group and Kathy for recording the bird count.
Report Submitted by Adella Blacka
See below for a complete list of bird species.
Paleo Hammock Trail
Paleo Hammock Preserve, 36 Species
Storks: Wood Stork
Wading Birds: Great Blue Heron; Little Blue Heron; Glossy Ibis
Raptors & Allies: Black Vulture; Turkey Vulture; Osprey; Red-Shouldered Hawk
Cranes: Sandhill Crane
Shorebirds: Killdeer; Greater Yellowlegs
Doves: Mourning Dove
Woodpeckers: Red-Bellied Woodpecker; Downy Woodpecker; Pileated Woodpecker
Falconidae: Crested Caracara
Empidonax: Eastern Phoebe; Great-crested Flycatcher
Vireos: White-eye Vireo
Corvidae: Blue Jay; American Crow
Swallows: Tree Swallow
Wrens: Carolina Wren
Gnatcatcher: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Mimids: Gray Catbird
Wood Warblers: Black-and-White Warbler; Common Yellowthroat; Palm Warbler (Western); Yellow-rumped Warbler
Sparrows: Swamp Sparrow
Cardinals & Allies: Northern Cardinal; Indigo bunting; Painted bunting
Blackbirds: Red-winged Blackbird; Eastern Meadowlark; Boat-tailed Grackle
C23/C24 Reservoir
22 Species
Waterfowl: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Grebes: Pied-Billed Grebe
Pelicaniformes: Double-crested Cormorant; Anhinga
Wading Birds: Great Blue Heron; Great Egret; Little Blue Heron; Tri-colored Heron; Cattle Egret Green Heron; Black-crowned Night Heron; Glossy Ibis
Raptors & Allies: Turkey Vulture; Osprey; Snail Kite; Red-shouldered Hawk
Gallinules: Common Gallinule
Limpkins: Limpkin
Swallows: Tree Swallow
Sparrows: Savannah Sparrow
Blackbirds: Boat-Tailed Grackle
Kingfishers: Belted Kingfisher
En route
Northern Mockingbird; Common Grackle; Fish Crow
For a complete bird count: Check out - Explore Data - Explore Hotspots -Paleo Hammock, St Lucie Co