Leaders: Doris and Steve Brookens
Meet at: Meet at the parking lot of the Publix at St. Johns Plaza, 3275 Garden St. Titusville (Rt 406) at 8:00 am. We will ask everyone to carpool from there to the Wildlife Refuge. The fewer cars we take on the wildlife drive, the easier it is to keep the group together and not block traffic.
Directions: I-95 N to exit 220 (Rt. 406). Publix is ¼ mile on right. Merritt Island NWR is roughly 100 miles north of St. Lucie West. Please allow adequate travel time.
Details: After meeting at Publix, we will proceed to Black Point Wildlife Drive. There is a $10 fee per vehicle to enter Black Point Wildlife Drive. (America the Beautiful National Park Passes and Federal Duck Stamps are valid for admission.)
Typically wading birds, shorebirds and waterfowl are abundant in January. Recent eBird reports show Northern Pintail, Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon and Hooded Merganser are wintering there.
We will likely spend 3 hours on the wildlife drive. Afterwards, we will stop at the Visitor’s Center where we can eat lunch at the picnic tables. Painted Buntings are usually frequent visitors to the feeders there. Please bring a packed lunch.
Bring your snacks, lunch, water, bins, scopes and cameras for a fun day. Toilet facilities are available at Publix, the mid-point of the Wildlife Drive, and Merritt Island Visitor’s Center.
For questions please contact Doris Brookens at 717-576-7876 or dorisbrookens@gmail.com
There is a 2-step registration process.